Benefits of Self Employment
Self - employment is the state of working for oneself rather than an employer . ... Self - employed people generally find their own work rather than being provided with work by an employer , earning income from a trade or business that they operate. Read this dialogue carelfully All salary Earners must read this: After 4 years of selfless service, I realized that I had not been promoted, no salary increment, no Recommendations. So I decided to walk up to my HR Manager. The manager looked at me, smiled and asked me to sit down saying: "My friend you have not worked here for even a single day!" I was shocked to hear this, but the manager went on to explain. And here's the conversation that took place: Manager: How many days are there in a year? Me: 365 days and sometimes 366. Manager: Do you come to work on weekends? Me: No sir. Manager: How many days are there in a year that are weekends? Me: 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays equals to 104 days. Manager: Tha...